Download Excerpts from the Book
Monika Drach
Identity and Cultural Orientations
Exhibition Projects
Published December 2017
The book contains an introductory text in English. A booklet with supplementary English translation is enclosed.
Publisher: V B K W, Verband Bildender Künstler und Künstlerinnen Baden-WürttembergFlap Text:
Monika Drach’s artistic exploration focuses on cultural identity and its conditioning and transformations. In her projects, the artist invites people to take part in a dialogue. Based on her own family’s history of migration, she is exploring both societal contexts as well as individual migration experiences and identity processes.
More than a hundred participants have contributed texts, images and audio or video recordings (via internet platforms, email or through personal contact) which were incorporated into the artist’s topical room installations. As a curator, she has also invited other performing artists to take part in her exhibitions.

Monika Drach (Ed.), Brigitte Lambert, Tina Stroheker
"... wie von einem Zauberkreis umschlossen ..."
"... Surrounded by a magic circle ..."
Exhibition Project to Josef Mühlberger
Published April 2013
eislinger edition (Kunstverein Eislingen)
Documentation of an installation in the context of Mühlberger-Tage 2009 - Eislinger Kunstverein in Stadtbücherei im Schloss Eislingen