
A whisper and murmor deep down there
Kulturbunker Stuttgart / Kultdiak Stuttgart e.V.
Opening: 03.04,2025, 7 p.m.
Introduction: Vivien Sigmund (Art historian, Stuttgart)
Finissage: 09.04.2025, 7 p.m.
kv neuhausen                                              
                    A whisper and murmor deep down there / Installation with video, objects und sound
Kulturbunker Stuttgart, Rosenbergstr. 23, Stuttgart-West
Between passion and drudgery
-A view on artistic work processes-


Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg
AKKU Projektraum
In the context of the annual project 2024

 48 stunden 02

Making art is intoxicating. Sometimes. It's sometimes bitter. Sometimes funny. Also abysmal. A work process associated with an extremely high level of identification. Together with others working in the art context, I question the everyday working lives of artists. Via photography, video, statements, conversations. 

Monday, 02. September
3–7 h pm: Room installation with participatory elements
7 pm: Interdisciplinary discourse with
Veronika Adam (art historian/  Kunsthalle Göppingen)
Julia Schmutz (artist, Stuttgart)
Moriz Stangl (philosopher, art theoretician / Vienna)

Julia Wenz-Delaminsky (artist, Stuttgart)

Tuesday, 03. September
3–8 h pm: Room installation with participatory elements

 AKKU Projektraum, Gerberstr. 5c, Stuttgart

Kindly supported by

LB Logo Stiftung Schwarz


VIII. Ellwanger Kunstausstellung 2024

Kunstverein Ellwangen
Opening: 23.6.2024, 11 h am
Introduction: Cindy Mölges and Dilini Keetapongalan, Jury members

KV Ellwangen 2024
Opening hours: Sat 2–6 h pm, Sun and Bank holiday 10.30h am –4.30 h pm


Vergissmeinnicht Kunstkabinett
Kunstverein Glücklichundschön e.V. 
A project by Julia Wenz-Delaminsky and Peter Franck-Oberaspach
Presentation in the show case at nightfall
Selection of Trüffelsuche 2022/2023 / A project by Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg, Rotebühlstr.109a / Stuttgart


More info:


Badischer Kunstverein / Members exhibition

Opening:  17.12.2023, 5 pm

Bad KV

                                                Monika Drach, Nothing is decided yet  2023 / photography on timber frame / 3-parts

Badischer Kunstverein, Waldstraße 3, Karlsruhe

Opening hours: Tu-Fr 11 am -17 pm / Sa, Su, Public holidays 11 am -17 pm/ Monday closed




The head is a planet in space

The studio space as an artistic field of action

Kunstraum ÖR25/Göppingen


A project dokumentation in two volumes

IMG 3656bb

The focus of this studio project is on topics that have not yet found a conclusion in my artistic work. It's about what was planned and what was left behind, about the current and the past, about what was almost successful and what failed. Space and time as universal themes become research motifs in the artistic process that are examined in different approaches and considerations.

In The Head is a Planet in Space (168 pages) I tell the project in 11 episodes. Here I explicitly select topics, focus on individual phases of the project and comment on them. The studio space as an artistic field of action (88 pages) is the title of a supplementary documentation. Here I present the two-year installation process as a diary in the form of screenshots of a selection of the photos and videos created during the process. This way you can follow the course of the project as a purely pictorial and uncommented event. At the same time, the creation of art itself becomes a topic.

Installation components for site-specific exhibition projects are currently being created from the extensive photo and video material.



Limits of Enlightenment
Group exhibition
Oberwelt Stuttgart
Opening Friday, 15. September 2023, 7 p.m.
15. – 30. September 2023

Vogel Tunnel

          Monika Drach, Flown our, Installation with 13 bird objects  2023

‘In sunshine or by starlight,
In a tunnel it is always dark.’

These lines by Erich Kästner takes the sense of purpose that bores through a mountain and transposes it to a particular mentality. Independence granted by reduced journey times becomes stubbornness, narrowness: tunnel vision. (Oberwelt e.V.)
Oberwelt e.V. , Reinsburgstr. 93, Stuttgart-West
The exhibition can be viewed until 30 September by appointment (kontakt[at]
The head is like a planet in space. 
An installation in progress
Project room OeR15, Göppingen
ein jahr4
Tracking. picking up. ensuring. In an ongoing process, I've been using my studio in an old Göppingen factory building for two years. In doing so, The work revolves around the current and the past, what is being considered and what has been left behind, what has almost succeeded and what has failed. The project turns into an artistic marathon.
Sapun Ghar. Art installation by Iris Andraschek / Exhibition from Kunstverein Göppingen
Kunsthalle Göppingen
26.11.2022 –12.02.2023
In the context of the project Trüffelsuche by Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg I am accompanying the construction of the exhibition with the camera. The resulting video will be shown parallel to the exhibiton.

Andraschek kv Goeppingen

                                      Videostill  Iris Andraschek - Sapun Ghar - set up  by Monika Drach
Opening:  Friday 25.11.22  at 7 pm

Veronika Adam (Artistic direction) will give an introduction.

Location: Kunsthalle Göppingen, Marstallstraße 55, 73033 Göppingen
Opening hours: Tu–Fr 1-7 pm and Sa, Su, Public holidays 11 am–7 pm / Mo closed

More information Kunstverein Göppingen_Sapun Ghar von Iris Andraschek

