In resonanza cullas muntognas

Being resonant with the mountains

An audiovisual project of Monika Drach, Gianna Vital-Janett + tun e resun
Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol, Switzerland, 24.10.-14.11.2020

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tun e resun Foto Jon Duri Vital.kjpg
Being resonant with the mountains is the focus of this project initiated by Monika Drach und Gianna Vital-Janett. It features personal connections and experiences of Engadine people to the mountain world where they live and are marked by. Specially for this project Gianna Vital-Janett founded the group tun e resun. Via voice improvisation they developed a complex sound vocabulary.

To get to the the installation on the top floor of Fundaziun Nairs the visitors have to climb up a narrow spiral stairway. Following the voices they arrive at a spacious attic where tun e resun are hissing, croaking, humming and trilling. Large size video projections of Monika Drach are coalescing with this unconventional group sound.

With the friendly assistance of

Kulturförderung Graubünden, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Boner Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur, Willi Muntwyler-Stiftung, Pastora-Stiftung, Blüchert Stiftung, Bibliotheca Engiadinaisa, Lia Rumantscha, Fundaziun Giovannina Bazzi-Mengiardi, Fundaziun Nairs, Cumün da Scuol, Bündner Kantonalbank und Hotel Aurora Ardez.