Curriculum Vitae

Born 1955 in Mingolsheim/Germany

Studied Educational science, Psychology and Sociology at the Universities of Heidelberg and Tübingen

Study visit to Hamburg, work with video and Super 8

Art studies at the Freie Kunsthochschule, Nürtingen

Since 2006 Projects under the name of art_research

2010  Kavalierhaus scholarship, Langenargen (Lake Constance)

2013-2015  Project Management "Streynsch xD" / travelling exhibit in cooperation with GEDOK Stuttgart

2015  Project scholarship, Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Schöppingen

2016-2017  Project Management "S P I R I T" / in cooperation with Kulturbüro Konstanz

2017  Artist in Residence, Łódź, Poland, town partnership Stuttgart-Łódź

2018  Artist in Residence, Kartause Ittingen, Warth, Switzerland

2019  Artist in Residence, Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol, Switzerland


Exhibitions / Activities / Projects (Selection)

2022/23  Iris Andraschek - Sapun Ghar - Exibition set up / Documentation, Kunstverein Göppingen/ Kunsthalle Göppingen

2022  REplacement, Kunstverein Neuhausen, New members exhibition

2022  In resonanza cullas muntognas / Beeing resonant with the mountains (in coop. with Gianna Vital-Janett + the group tun e resun), kunstraum riss, Samedan/Switzerland

2022  Tief unten ein Flüstern und Raunen, installation, GEDOK Galerie, Stuttgart

2021  In resonanza cullas muntognas / Beeing resonant with the mountains (in coop. with Gianna Vital-Janett + the group tun e resun), Kloster Schönthal, Langenbruck (Switzerland)

2021  Me, Myself and Europe. A navel gazing? Stuttgarter Fotosommer, GEDOK Stuttgart

2021  Heading up to the mountains!, Kunstbezirk Stuttgart, Exhibition of GEDOK Stuttgart

2020  In resonanza cullas muntognas / Beeing resonant with the mountains (in coop. with Gianna Vital-Janett + the group tun e resun), Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol (Switzerland)

2020  Netzwerkerinnen der Moderne –100 Jahre Frauenkunststudium, Städtische Galerie Böblingen, coop with Wenz_Römpp

2020 GRACKX A sense of foreboding in the world, installation, Oberwelt Stuttgart

2020 GRACKX A sense of foreboding in the world, installation, Künstlerhaus Ulm

2019  93 Ninetythree, KUNSTBEZIRK Stuttgart, Exhibition of GEDOK Stuttgart

2019  GRACKX, Installation, Punkt Odbioru Sztuki Gallery, Lodz/Poland

2018  When paths are crossing, Town Hall Stuttgart

2018  Boxenstopp, GEDOK Stuttgart, Godfrey Pilkington Art Gallery, St. Helens, England

2017  Donaueschinger Regionale, Donaueschingen 

2017  S P I R I T, Installation, Kulturzentrum am Münster, Konstanz

2016  Wege gehen, Installation, Kunst im Schloss Wertingen, Wertingen 

2016  Landesweit, Installation, Städtische Galerie Reutlingen

2015  VI. Ellwangen Art Exhibition 2015, Installation, Kunstverein Ellwangen, Schloss ob Ellwangen 

2015  Streynsch xD, Exhibition project, Town Hall Göppingen 

2015  die stunde stuerzt, the hour collapse, 70 years End of World War II, Haus der Heimat des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

2014  Streynsch xD. Exhibition project, Heilig-Geist-Spital Ravensburg

2014  Streynsch xD, Exhibition project, E-Werk Freiburg

2013  Streynsch xD, Exhibition project, Kunstbezirk Galerie Stuttgart

2012  " if surrounded by a magic circle..."., book project in cooperation with Kunstverein Eislingen

2011  Museumshop, group exhibition, KISS Kunst im Schloss Untergröningen

2011  Borderless skies above me ..., room installation and internetproject, Cultural center Ostpreussen, Ellingen

2010  A draft weather report, Installation, Galerie im Kavalierhaus, Langenargen (Lake Constance)

2010  more on Heimat (homeland), Installation, GEDOK-Galerie, Stuttgart

2009  nah am wasser,  KUNST im heppächer, Esslingen

2009  " if surrounded by a magic circle...", coop. with Brigitte Lambert (Melbourne, Australia), Project, Stadtbücherei im Schloss, Eislingen

2009  more on Heimat, Installation, Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum, Ulm

2008  Spiel Art, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe

2008  Schrift Zeichen Bild, Literaturhaus Immenstadt

2007  2007_art documentation, Project, KUNSTBEZIRK Galerie, Stuttgart 

2007  Heimat (Homeland), Internetproject, in cooperation with DZM Ulm

2006  Invitation to the Tupperware party, GEDOK-Galerie, Stuttgart

2004  Vom Lagern Von Kunst, Lecture, Neue Kunst im Hagenbucher-Das Lagerhaus, Heilbronn

2003  room stills, work in progress, FKN Nürtingen

2002  Handtuch und Kunst, starting Drach art collection
2002  KUNSTWAND, Installation, Katharinenhospital Stuttgart, group exhibition / Plastische Chirurgie, Aktion, Katharinenhopital Stuttgart

Living and working in Göppingen and Stuttgart / Germany


